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⁣⁠"After meeting TeamEHP in 2017 at the fitness expo and picking up some samples, I was inspired to start my health and fitness journey. ⁣⁠Even before I started to think about losing weight I would wake up and drink OxyShred and Acetyl L-Carnitine. Because I don't drink coffee, OxyShred and Acetyl L-Carnitine would give me the energy that I needed to get through the day. I also noticed that it put me in an all round better mood and then I started to see the changes in my body! This was empowering and it pushed me to continue to be the best version of myself".

⁣40kg down and Dayle is still using that epic combo every morning. She is a happier and healthier version of herself and believes that it was the best decision that she ever made. ⁠

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