There are many (some easy and some difficult) ways to lose weight through right nutrition, exercising and healthier lifestyle choices. In principle, losing fat is quite straight-forward: You need to be in a caloric deficit (eating less calories than your body consumes by increasing your energy output, or probably both), and it’s going to take longer than you might want. Throughout the years, however, there has been many different takes on what works and what doesn't. Let's break down the 5 biggest weight loss myths we get asked about frequently: 1. WHEN I DO MY CARDIO, IT HAS TO BE DONE IN THE MORNING Many opt to train on an empty stomach and at early hours. While training fasted does hold some benefits (depending on your goals and starting point), emphasis need not be placed on when you fit in your cardio. Instead, focus on frequent cardio workouts at high intensity. Greater overall fat loss is achieved. 2. GULPING DOWN ICY WATER WILL ENHANCE MY FAT LOSS Some people suggest that drinking ice cold water forces the body to warm up the temperature of liquid, thus burning calories in the process. While some studies may show a few extra calories burnt within this process, it will not have an overbearing or visible impact on fat loss. Having said that, drinking water can still assist in weight loss through suppressing your appetite. 3. YOU HAVE TO COUNT YOUR CALORIES TO ACHIEVE FAT LOSS Not necessarily. Although your intentions are good when counting every single calorie consumed each day, your personal recommended level is dynamic, it will always fluctuate. If you’re starting off on your fat loss journey, the best advice is to focus on whole foods and lean meats. Measuring out exact quantities for someone with a packed schedule is difficult, so place emphasis on quality not quantity in the beginning. 4. ALL FATS ARE BAD FATS This is a major myth that over the course of time has slowly been shunned. There was a time where all fats, no matter what their form, were heavily stigmatised. Extensive study however has shown that fats found in sources such as fish, nuts and avocadoes for example actually hold benefits including increasing brain power and assisting in the burning of body fat! 5. LOW WEIGHT, HIGH REP EXERCISES ARE BEST FOR FAT LOSS The reality is, you’re shooting yourself in the foot with this mindset. The best way to burn fat is by putting more demand on your muscles. Higher intensity and demand will burn fat for longer than lower intensity - which is why HIIT cardio workouts are so highly recommended. Your best bet is to opt for weights that provide enough resistance for you to feel the burn!  ---  If you are on your own fitness / weight loss journey and have any questions on how to set yourself on a path towards your success, do not hesitate to chat to one of our health & fitness experts on our CHAT or connect with us on our social channels to get daily motivation and tips. Or you can have a look at Zac Perna's take on his TOP 5 FAT LOSS HACKS below: