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Never before has it been easier to lead a plant-based lifestyle, or just to increase the amount of plant foods in our diet. There are so many options at the supermarket, restaurants, take away joints and supplements that all help ensure a plant-based diet is adequately nutritious. This gives all of us the opportunity to embrace the positives associated with increased plant consumption.

There a so many reasons for us to jump on the plant food bandwagon, like decreased risk of cancer and heart disease, improved blood pressure and cholesterol levels. There’s also the positive impact a high plant diet has on insulin sensitivity, weight management and longevity - you live longer!

Aside from the positives for our health, the really impactful good sides to eating more plants and less animals lies in the potential to really change the future of the environment and it’s inhabitants. Many people are claiming that veganism can literally save the world. Simply decreasing your animal product consumption by as little as one meal per week can make a huge difference.

The reality is, that if all us ate a diet that was primarily plant-based we would see improvements in the earth’s air quality, fresh water stores and soil richness. There would also be a decline in deforestation, energy consumption and we could help all of the endangered species humans have had a negative impact upon.

A lot of people aren’t aware that we can actually follow a completely plant-based lifestyle whilst still performing at our peak. The most common argument against a plant-based lifestyle is that there is not enough high-quality protein available from plants.

The idea behind this myth centers around complete protein sources and essential amino acids. A complete protein is a source that provides all of the essential amino acids. We need to consume these in our diet, as the body can't synthesize them. Animal products provide all of the essential amino acids, and so animal protein is an easy way to ensure our bodies get them.

BUT there are actually plenty of plant-based complete protein sources like soy products which include tofu, tempeh, edamame, quinoa, buckwheat, hemp seeds, chia seeds, nuts and peas, which is the sole source of protein that was carefully selected to be used in Blessed.

So if you eat a variety of sources of these complete proteins, as well as plenty of other plant foods, your body will be getting all of the nutrients it needs to thrive.

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